Monday, March 16, 2009

Allegedly Speaking....

Warning: Short post! :)

I just noticed: The TOI (Mumbai edition), today, states that a lot of people have alleged a lot of things, most of them yesterday. These include: the police (from all over the country, in multiple stories. They do allege a lot!), the court, baby-swap victims, a security guard, a ragging victim, the Election Commission, CBI, the paper itself, and a witness in the 1998 blasts. All in italics.



[Imagine two paragraphs of fine prose lamenting the fall of freedom of expression, bane of political correctness, and so on; which I am not going to write. It's a short post! Ha!]

Sensitivity is a good thing, but I team slogging away? New editor? Someone lit a candle of political correctness under their chairs? Wot?

The giant allegedly blurts: Bollocks to PC!

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